Faculty Council

The Faculty’s academic self-governance body, which, in exercising its powers, adopts decisions binding on the entire Faculty community.

The Faculty Council operates in accordance with the Law on Science and Studies of the Republic of Lithuania, the Statute of Vilniaus Kolegija/ Higher Education Institution, the Regulations of the Faculty of Business Management of Vilniaus Kolegija/ Higher Education Institution, the Rules of Procedure of the Faculty Council, the resolutions of the VIKO Council and the Academic Council, as well as the orders of the VIKO Director and the Faculty Dean.

Since December 2023, the Faculty Council consists of the following members:

  • Chair of the Faculty Council – Eimantas Kamienas, lecturer at the Innovation Management Department,
  • Vice-Chair of the Council – Jadvyga Voišnis, lecturer at the Tourism Department,
  • Secretary of Council Meetings – Rūta Valentukevičiūtė, Data Management Specialist, lecturer at the Advertising and Communication Department,
  • Nida Mačerauskienė, Dean, lecturer at the Advertising and Communication Department,
  • Dr. Nikolaj Ambrusevič, associate professor at the International Business Department,
  • Dr. Lina Bivainienė, associate professor at the Advertising and Communication Department,
  • Dr. Viktor Kozlovskij, associate professor at the Innovation Management Department,
  • Goda Balaikaitė, President of the Faculty Student Council.

In accordance with the Faculty Council’s Rules of Procedure, the Faculty Council performs the following functions:

  • Prepares and submits the Faculty Regulations for approval by the Academic Council;
  • Considers and provides recommendations to the Dean regarding the quality of studies in the Faculty;
  • Reviews self-evaluation summaries of study fields;
  • Reviews annual study field quality monitoring reports;
  • Approves the Faculty’s annual activity report submitted by the Dean;
  • Provides proposals on the Faculty’s vision, mission, and strategic action plan;
  • Forms the Faculty’s Competition and Certification Commission and submits it for approval to the Academic Council;
  • Nominates members for the Academic Council;
  • Nominates members for the Academic Ethics Committee;
  • Elects electors for the VIKO Council elections;
  • Elects electors for the Academic Council elections;
  • And performs other functions and considers other issues related to the activities of the Faculty.