
By collaborating with higher education institutions in Europe and Asia, we create opportunities for both students and lecturers to participate in exchange programs, joint projects, or research activities, thus promoting intercultural understanding and fostering the development of new knowledge and skills required in today’s job market.

Students from all study programs have the opportunity to go abroad for both studies and internships, as well as participate in various short-term mobility programs. The Faculty offers 4 study programmes in English, which attract students from different countries, creating a multicultural environment and encouraging openness. Joint degree programmes such as Creativity and Business Innovations and International Business, implemented in collaboration with foreign higher education institutions, provide students with valuable international experience. During their studies, students participate in international events, such as the European Sales Competition and international hackathons. We integrate innovative methodologies into the study process, developed in collaboration with foreign partners (e.g., VAKEN project methodology, Creativity Platform methodology).

Participation in Erasmus, Nordplus, COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) and other international projects, as well as maintaining active connections with foreign partners, opens doors to new opportunities and encourages practical learning. International cooperation extends beyond Europe—the Faculty actively expands its partnerships outside the region, including universities in Asia and America. All these efforts strengthen the Faculty’s international reputation, create a dynamic and constantly growing community and foster new ideas and initiatives.