The Creativity Camp 2022 at VIKO VVF within the brainstorming sessions and great opportunities to find and propose practical solutions while increasing the social responsibility for the Manufacturing Innovation Valley (the first innovation space for manufacturing enterprises in the Baltic States) was challenging and fun.
“Creative platform” methodology was used and deeply challenged us for almost 4 hours! Huge thanks to VIKO International students as well as our guests, students from Mykolas Romeris University. The project was coordinated by the lecturer of the Business Management Faculty Flavius Streianu.
The activities are implemented as a part of the project “Students create social innovation: development of creative skills using “Creative Platform” methodology” (“Studentai kuria socialines inovacijas: kūrybinių gebėjimų ugdymas taikant ,,Creative Platform metodiką’’), funded by the
The State Studies Foundation.