The conference will be held at the Faculty of Business Management of Vilniaus kolegija (49 Didlaukio St., Vilnius) and on the Microsoft Teams platform. Connection requirements: a stable internet connection, webcam, and microphone, and the participant’s full name must be visible on the screen (including when presenting – the speaker’s face must be visible). Conference languages: Lithuanian and English.
December 5, 2024
08.30–09.00 Participants’ connections to Microsoft Teams
09.00–9.30 Opening of the conference (Assembly Hall)
Moderators of the opening session: Aurimas Luneckas and Ieva Andruškevičiūtė
Welcome Speech
- Nida Mačerauskienė, Dean of the Business Management Faculty at Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution
- Doc. dr. Alina Katunian, Head of the Department of Science and Arts at Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution
- Lauryna Diršliokaitė, Chairperson of the Student Scientific Association of the Business Management Faculty at Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution
9.30–11.30 Guest speakers
- Peiman Fallahian Sichani, technical director of international research and development projects at Khora Aps (Denmark), „Beyond Reality: Immersive Technologies in Art and Innovation“
- Simona Survilaite, PhD, CAMS; Anna Csernus, Western Union, „Personal stories + WU“
- Ainis Statulevičius, Saulius Vilkelis, MB Copteri , „Failed Business Stories“
- Aistė Jakubonė, AS „Citadele bankas“, „Career in the financial sector: the role of social networks in your journey“
- Dr. Shazad Mustapha Mohammed, Associate Professor of Business, State University of New York at Fredonia. „Prerequisites and the need for creativity education for today and the future“
11.30–12.00 Coffee break
12.00–14.15 Section meetings
14.30–15.00 Closing of the conference
Moderators: Aurimas Luneckas and Ieva Andruškevičiūtė
Farewell speech
- Representatives of the Student Scientific Association
- doc. dr. Viktor Kozlovskij, Chairperson of the Conference Scientific Committee
- Ramunė Rapkauskaitė, Head of the Conference Organizing Committee